Beyond a book review: Writing other languages in Vampires of El Norte
Isabel Cañas is a Mexican American writer and author of Vampires of El Norte, a historical fantasy with a speculative take on vampires.
June is Pride month. At the Center, we stand with the LGBTQIA community this month and every month, because dignity is being able to live and belong as you are, trans rights matter, and love is love.
This Pride month, we encourage you to buy books by LGBTQIA authors from LGBTQIA-owned bookstores. As always, is an invaluable resource for both; unless otherwise noted, all book links in this post lead to, where your purchases support independent bookstores across the U.S.
Shawna Ayoub moves "beyond the book review" in not only recommending great books by diverse writers, but highlighting a technique to apply to your own writing.