Connect to a community specifically designed for aspiring writers.
Guidance on how to make and maintain a writing life, practical advice so you can get to the page and thrive there, access to our monthly photo writing prompt contest, exclusive discounts on Center courses–get all this and more in your inbox every Sunday morning.
Bonus: join our email-list community and receive a FREE download of Writing 'Well': A Year's Worth of Weekly Wellness-Themed Writing Prompts.

Compiled by all Center teachers, this PDF is packed to the margins with new, thought-provoking writing prompts, one for every week in a year. Yep, a whole year’s worth of inspired writing guidance. Whether you are just starting out on your writing journey, returning to it after time away, or wanting to expand your regular writing practice, these prompts are sure to jump-start your creativity.
Plus, writing IS wellness. This concept is at the core of the Center's philosophy, and we're excited to be able to offer what we hope will be a valuable tool to help you find your way with words.
Sign up below, and write with us.
We send out one email per week (maybe an extra once in a while, to share a new opportunity or remind you about registration deadlines), and will never share our list. You may unsubscribe at any point by using the “unsubscribe” link in one of our emails, but we doubt you’ll want to!