
The Center blog is teeming with tips and inspiration for starting and maintaining your writing practice.

Teneice Durrant, creator of Tenth Fox Tarot, will mark each full moon with a tarot reading, ritual for releasing creative blocks, and writing exercise. Writers, prepare to face your fears!
I am still painting flowers in glasses. Different destinies. Different kinds of artists, people. Maybe stars. But it was a privilege to see, in a kind of secret act, that lovely little painting...
Explore a problem or challenge that has seemed insurmountable, like these magnificent mountain peaks. Consider climbing...
I’ve been waiting for the calm before I can write, like the calm before the storm. But that’s already here, and I’m still not writing. What if writing IS the calm?
Teneice Durrant, creator of Tenth Fox Tarot, will mark each full moon with a tarot reading, ritual for releasing creative blocks, and writing exercise. Writers, prepare to leave your nests.
Soft-edged and dreamy, on a deeper brown neutral ground, so that the beauty of orange, with its green tones and reds, its yellows and lavender grays, is revealed. The image captivated me...
What we need to remember is that encountering a roadblock is part of the journey—and this, of course, applies to writing as much as it does to our physical location.
Consider your roots. Tell us an origin story, where you come from, how deep your roots go. Or tell us about putting down roots, or uprooting during a transition...
Teneice Durrant, creator of Tenth Fox Tarot, will mark each full moon with a tarot reading, ritual for releasing creative blocks, and writing exercise. Go ‘buck wild’ in July, writers!
My older sister, Jolene, was the ringleader in our sister group. It was a group of only us two...We were an organism. Where did she stop and I begin? I can't find a fixed edge...