
The Center blog is teeming with tips and inspiration for starting and maintaining your writing practice.

Tell us about something ancient. Something that persists and has become stronger over time. Consider how nature preserves objects and impressions of the physical world...
The prose poem form actually began in Japan in the 17th century, is evident in the work of French writers in the mid-1800’s, and regained popularity with the Beat Poets in the 1950’s and ‘60’s...
“Ticked Off!” captured my imagination. It felt like a title for a children’s book. I thought of a clock. Then the story opened to me...
Teneice Durrant, creator of Tenth Fox Tarot, is back in the new year with her monthly tarot reading, ritual for releasing creative blocks, and a writing exercise. Writers, howl at the moon!
Are you the kind of person who makes a resolution on the first day of every incoming year? Or are you the kind of person who thinks resolutions are doomed to failure, so why even make one? I am both...
Consider the idea of ruin as a noun, rather than a verb. Think about what once was and is now lost or changing, either in your own life or in the imagined life of this house...
If you are looking for a few good books to get you started in 2022 (and who isn’t?), I have recommendations...
Teneice Durrant, creator of Tenth Fox Tarot, will mark each full moon with a tarot reading, ritual for releasing creative blocks, and writing exercise. Writers, look back and forward.
In her 40th post, Helena shares another original children’s story—a counting story—and creative process behind both writing and illustrating it.
What's that phrase, the tip of the iceberg? Tell a brief story where you show us just a hint of what's happening below the surface.