
The Center blog is teeming with tips and inspiration for starting and maintaining your writing practice.

One person’s weed is another person’s wildflower.

Helena Clare Pittman, one of the Center’s most dedicated teachers, has written, painted, and taught her entire life. In her monthly Helena Writes series, she shares a lifetime of wisdom, one pearl at a time.

In her 67th post, Helena recalls some of the sounds of the old Brooklyn building that was her first adult home. Enjoy!


Teneice Durrant, creator of Tarot with Ten, will use various tarot and oracle decks to provide monthly readings for writers, with exercises on using imagery and intuition as prompts. June’s prompt is about using the energy of the summer solstice to generate a story explaining why days grow shorter.


Solstice celebrations across cultures

Thursday, June 20, marks the Summer Solstice and the beginning of Cancer season. This month, I thought we’d take a break from exploring and developing the different types of literary conflicts to celebrate the longest day of the year. 

June is Pride month. At the Center, we stand with the LGBTQIA community this month and every month, because dignity is being able to live and belong as you are, trans rights matter, and love is love.

This Pride month, we encourage you to buy books by LGBTQIA authors from LGBTQIA-owned bookstores. As always, is an invaluable resource for both; unless otherwise noted, all book links in this post lead to, where your purchases support independent bookstores across the U.S.

Here is Bookshop’s complete PRIDE 2024 curated list (plus 15% discount code through June 30), with some of our favorite recent releases in more detail below.

This novel offers an important perspective on identity and privilege as well as an artful structural choice by the author.
Write about a mistake that led to beauty, truth, or growth.
The ceilings in the studios had to have been 20 feet high. I loved the corner where I painted, lit by a tall, old window that was stuck closed with time...
Use the imagery and symbolism of tarot to develop a person vs. technology conflict in a new or in-progress story.
A look at a genre-bending, Afrofuturist, speculative novel that grapples with gender, the ethics of AI, and the question of whether balance and hope are possible.
What’s the cure for what ails you, and is there a story behind it?