Teneice Durrant, creator of Tenth Fox Tarot, will mark each full moon with a tarot reading, ritual for releasing creative blocks, and writing exercise. Go ‘buck wild’ in July, writers!
Some foods just say "summer"--like this watermelon, with all its bright red juiciness. Write about food, but show us so much more. Make us hungry, nostalgic. Take us somewhere. Nourish us.
Tell us about a time you needed to find your way and felt lost or overwhelmed. When the way in or out seems clear one minute, and entirely wrong the next...
Storms are a fascinating merging of elements. Here we find earth, air, fire, and water in a swirl of energy that creates a new element of chaos. Which element speaks to you the most? Or tell of a storm, be it a weather event or a metaphorical experience of chaos.
Calmness. Stillness. Quiet. What does it mean to you? do you crave it or fear it? If you seek solitude and stillness, how do you achieve it in your everyday life, amid all the demands on your time and energy?
Today is the first day of a brand new year. When you think about where you have been, where you are now, and where you want to go, what word comes to mind, writer?
The centuries-old practice of placing candles in windows has served many purposes, from signaling to those seeking shelter or refuge that they are welcome to reminding us that we have what we need to survive the winter...
Let's explore food and family gatherings this month, the month when many of us gather to give thanks. What will that gathering look like for you this pandemic year?
These late summer sunflowers stretching to soak up the light, lifting their heavy heads to the sky, sturdy stalks like tree trunks--there is an easy metaphor here. What sustains you?