Tell us about your best friend, the one who knows everything about you, the one you go on adventures with, the first person you call when you get good news or bad.
Think about the phases of your life, or the life of someone close to you, or phases you observe in the natural world (like the moon). What phase sticks out or compels you?
Do you play a musical instrument? Collect records? Love driving with the windows down and the stereo turned up? Is there a particular piece of music that is connected to a certain event, person, or era of your life...?
Tell us about something ancient. Something that persists and has become stronger over time. Consider how nature preserves objects and impressions of the physical world...
Consider the idea of ruin as a noun, rather than a verb. Think about what once was and is now lost or changing, either in your own life or in the imagined life of this house...