Teneice Durrant, creator of Tarot with Ten, will mark each full moon with a tarot reading, ritual for releasing creative blocks, and writing exercise. Writers, break down barriers.
Writers, what the November '22 full moon means for you
November returns us to the Beaver Moon and that Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. I was thinking about last year's post, when I mentioned that bears and beavers don’t actually sleep all winter; they just keep to their home and conserve energy. Perhaps even if they wanted to, the weather would not let them leave their burrows and caves. This means that beavers have to stop gathering sticks and branches to build dams and relinquish their structures to nature.
This month, as those of us in the North (and Northern Hemisphere) prepare for winter, let's think about the ways we can take a step back from our previously constructed barriers and boundaries (or just those projects that keep us “busy as a beaver”), knowing that the work we did was good enough. This may feel difficult for those who strive for perfection, but the weather will force you inside, anyway. It’s better to come to terms with releasing the work you’ve been doing in the outside world so you don’t worry over it all winter. What was built well will withstand the cold—and what doesn’t, well, it needed to be cleared out!
It is time to focus on the internal work of home, family, and self. Don’t be surprised if this eclipse flips ideas about home and hearth on their heads. It’s ok to make new traditions.
A writing ritual for the November 2022 full moon
Take a piece of paper and fold in half lengthwise or draw a line down the middle. Think of all the barriers and dams you are working on right now. Are there work acquaintances or family members that need to keep their distance? Have you been doing unpaid labor at work just to keep things afloat? Are you working on a creative project that you don’t enjoy, but feel obligated to complete? Write those barriers on the left side.
On the right side, think about and record what you can do in your internal world that would be a better use of your energy. Instead of focusing on trying to block or hide them on social media, step away from social media altogether and start communicating more with people whose presence you enjoy, even via Zoom. Keep this list somewhere private, like a journal, and look at it periodically over the winter.
When we emerge from winter weather around the first of March, burn this list (in a safe place) and offer gratitude for the relationships and personal projects you worked on over the winter. You are ready to see what barriers withstood the cold and which ones need more work.
A tarot reading and writing prompt
This week, we are going to draft an origin story for a villain using tarot cards. Today I pulled The Magician, Five of Swords, and Nine of Swords.
Our villain, The Magician, was a talented and respected member of society. He has the ability to use whatever is at hand to achieve success, like a MacGyver type. In the major conflict of his youth, he outsmarted and defeated those who were older and stronger than him. Being the best at a young age took a toll on him and he was constantly plagued by imposter syndrome, which developed into paranoia and anxiety (represented by the Nine of Swords). He is trapped in a cycle of wanting to continue to use his talents but being convinced that everyone hated him for it. The pressure of disappointing or angering one’s elders or authority figures is represented here by the 5 of Swords, and adds another dimension to the imposter syndrome.
Your prompt, then, is to write a scene that depicts either your villain or antagonist defeating their elders or authority figures, or a moment where the villain/antagonist struggles with their paranoia or imposter syndrome alone. This will require some empathy on your part to get into the mindset of the person or character who opposes you (if you’re writing nonfiction) or your main character (if you’re writing fiction). Consider it another barrier to break down as part of your work in preparing for winter.
Until next month, check out my daily podcast and follow me on social:
Podcast anchor.fm/tarotwithten
YouTube Tarot with Ten
What did you think of Teneice's offering for this month? Will you try the exercise and see where your writing takes you? Share with us in the comments.
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