Teneice Durrant, creator of Tarot with Ten, will mark each full moon with a tarot reading, ritual for releasing creative blocks, and writing exercise. Writers, yield to the harvest’s yield.
Writers, what the August '22 full moon means for you
A disclaimer: I’m not an astrologist, but there are intense planetary movements happening right now! Check out your favorite astrology website to see how all squares and conjunctions play out for your sign. Big shake-ups are in the stars.
Traditionally, the August moon is called the Sturgeon Moon or the Green Corn Moon. In Euro-centric Pagan practices, Lughnasadh, the celebration of the first harvests, was on August 1. This is the time of preparing to harvest what we planted in May. With harvest comes an expectation of yield: the results we have been counting on, anticipating over the summer.
This full moon, I encourage you to release the expectations you’ve been carrying about how much return you are going to get on your summer investment, whether that’s actual crops or other kinds of seeds you’ve planted. Like the Seven of Pentacles, there’s only so much you can do. WriYou can aerate the soil, water and fertilize, but only the seed knows when or if it will crack open and push its way up through the soil. If you are having a hard time letting go of what you think your harvest yield should be, try this meditation.
A writer’s ritual for the August '22 full moon
If possible, sit outside crossed-legged on the ground. Place both hands on your stomach and draw your spine up tall.
Imagine a reddish-orange ball of light glowing in your lower abdomen like a summer sun. See a seed crack open and feel strong roots growing from the bottom of your spine down deep into the ground. Know that you are safe and connected to the earth. You have enough and there is no need to be afraid that your harvest will not suffice. Focus on this sensation of “enough-ness.”
Let the warmth of safety and the earth fill up all the way to your solar plexus chakra. Allow the warmth of new growth to anchor you to the ground.
Oracle reading for writers
The first harvest seems like a great occasion to use the Earth Magic oracle deck for a reading. I drew three cards: Iceberg (submerged), Ceremony (invocation), and Rainbow (blessings). I immediately thought of how the green tops of carrots, the part that we see, are just the proverbial “tip of the iceberg.” The root systems we don’t see are critical. The fears we think we’ve suppressed, especially around feelings of safety, security, and being or having enough, will always show themselves eventually. The best control we can hope to have over them is mindful awareness.
That’s where ceremony and invocation come in. The second pulled card seems to be reminding us to get back in touch with our spiritual selves to balance the grounded earthiness of harvest. These writing and breathing and visualization rituals, along with the writing process itself, are absolutely spiritual practices. What they yield are the blessings to which the rainbow card refers. I’m not at all surprised that I pulled this card when only yesterday, I saw a spectacular rainbow, the full arc of it, the colors bright and defined. Be it a physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual harvest, it is a blessing—whether it is precisely what you were expecting or not.
A writing prompt
Imagine you have ordered your groceries delivered to your house. You’ve never done this before, but for some reason (illness, caring for a small child, overdue report for work) you just can’t make it to the store. Your groceries are delivered and included in the order is a packet of seeds. There is no identification, only instructions to plant and water with (beverage of your choice: bourbon, almond milk, etc). Intrigued, you follow the instructions and wait.
What grows? What expectations did you have, and how were you pleasantly or not so pleasantly surprised by the reality? How does it change your life?
Until next month, check out my daily podcast and follow me on social:
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What did you think of Teneice's offering for this month? Will you try the exercise and see where your writing takes you? Share with us in the comments.
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