Write and Release: Full moon ritual for writers Feb '22

Write and release full moon rituals for writers_turquoise text over lightened image of full moon reflected over a body of water
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Teneice Durrant, creator of Tenth Fox Tarot, will mark each full moon with a tarot reading, ritual for releasing creative blocks, and writing exercise. Writers, express without fear!

Snow Moon

This month’s full moon comes on the tail of Venus and Mars finally going direct, meaning Love and Relationships will start making progress after weeks of reflection. This couldn't come at a better time since this full moon is the Snow moon, and we need forward momentum to get us through the deepest parts of winter.

Physically and mentally we may be coming through a period of time in which our only thoughts were on survival. The winters were dangerous times for our ancestors, and not much energy could be spared for expressing ourselves creatively.

But as we round the corner into March, and hopefully better weather in the Northern Hemisphere, we can turn back to nurturing the creative beings that we are. This ritual and card reading are for releasing any blocks on your creativity. 

An exercise

Clear a quiet space and set up a candle holder or plate. On a yellow candle (white will do if you don’t have yellow) scratch a word that has to do with your creative passions: Yarn or Paint or Novel… whatever you are working on or feeling blocked about.

Sit comfortably in your chair and let the silence close in around you. Light the candle and prepare to say your prayer/invocation. Now here is the important part: you do not want to say let this block be removed. Vocalizing about the thing brings the thing. You want to say: I invite creativity into my space. I invite inspiration into my space. I invite passion into my space. By vocalizing these words, the negative words are released from your thoughts and energy.

Meditate on the flame as it consumes the word you have chosen. When you feel aligned with your creativity, blow out the candle and reflect on any feeling, emotions, or ideas that surfaced during meditation.

A tarot read for you or your character

Why am I feeling blocked creatively? 

The two cards we have for today are The Hierophant and the Ten of Pentacles. The Hierophant speaks to our reliance on structures, systems, and “ways of doing things.” The Ten of Pentacles represents financial stability, legacy, and resources. It seems here that you are stuck creatively because you are still holding on to old notions of how to make money, or what paths are viable for making money. This could speak to the “starving artist” stereotype or thinking that your art isn’t a “real job.”

Reflect on any ideas you have around money and what kind of work is “valid.” In our capitalist society, the pressure is on to be always producing and proving our value, and artists and creative people—already the sensitive types—often feel that pressure more keenly than others. Explore and try to release such fears. We need artists more than ever!

Until next time, find my tarot podcast at anchor.fm/tenthfox.

What did you think of Teneice's offering for this month? Will you try the exercise and see where your writing takes you? Share with us in the comments.

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