Sometimes it might seem like the best writing advice you’ve ever heard conflicts with other advice that also makes sense. If you’re wondering how to tell when you should do which, this post offers some insight.
Some foods just say "summer"--like this watermelon, with all its bright red juiciness. Write about food, but show us so much more. Make us hungry, nostalgic. Take us somewhere. Nourish us.
Teneice Durrant, creator of Tenth Fox Tarot, will mark each full moon with a tarot reading, ritual for releasing creative blocks, and writing exercise. Cut unhealthy ties with June's strawberry moon!
What do I mean by “checking in?” A check-in is a private conversation with yourself, preferably on paper; it’s giving yourself the opportunity to take stock of the highs and lows of your writing experience.
Children's stories with an accumulation, or a great multiplicity of something as its central theme and/or structure, go back to books written before I was a child...
Tell us about a time you needed to find your way and felt lost or overwhelmed. When the way in or out seems clear one minute, and entirely wrong the next...
Teneice Durrant, creator of Tenth Fox Tarot, will mark each full moon with a tarot reading, ritual for releasing creative blocks, and writing exercise, starting with today's super flower blood moon.
From the basic pen and notebook to an app that will keep you off Facebook, explore some tools that can make you a more productive, organized, and dedicated writer.
Non-writing activities can enhance your writing in ways large and small, if you reframe your regular activities as, say, “research for my book.” Here are five activities that will make you a better noticer and well-rounded writer.